Web Performance: Page Speed Fundamentals

Did you know that for every second your page takes to load, your conversion rates can drop by 7%? Learn about the metrics that influence site performance and how to monitor them effectively.

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1 day course
Supporting material
A private training session for your team. Groups can be of any size, at a location of your choice including our training centres.

Whether you’re trying to get traffic to your website or looking to maximize conversions, your site optimization is a key factor that influences your marketing activity.

On this course, you’ll explore what defines website performance, and the impact it has on your business. We’ll outline the metrics that contribute to page load time, and discuss the effect that optimizing a site has on customer experience – and the success of your product or service.

You’ll learn what a performance waterfall is and how to use it to obtain a detailed analysis of the page resources. This will allow you to easily locate blocks and bottlenecks in page load times and formulate an improvement plan quickly.

Our trainer will give you a demonstration of the free and paid-for performance tools that are available and how to use them effectively. We’ll also cover the difference between synthetic and real user data, when to use them and what reports and resources can be generated to review with your team.

Our Web Performance: Page Speed Fundamentals course is available as a private training session that can be delivered via Virtual Classroom or at a location of your choice in Australia.

Course overview

Who should attend:

This course is for anyone looking to improve their customer experience and conversion rates through understanding and monitoring site performance. You may be part of a SEO or PPC team looking to improve your page ranking with Google, or simply trying to reduce page load times to improve user conversion rates.

What you'll learn:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain why performance is important
  • Identify the key factors influencing site performance
  • Identify which performance metrics are truly important
  • Use tools to monitor the performance of your site
  • Gain valuable insights from a performance waterfall

Course agenda

  • What defines performance?
  • What is the impact of performance?
  • Performance metrics
  • Waterfall introduction
  • Synthetic vs RUM
Synthetic Analysis
  • Tools: GTMetrix, Pingdom, Google Lighthouse tests
  • Recommendations
  • Waterfall
  • Reports
  • Performance monitoring
Real User Monitoring RUM
  • Tools: New Relic, App Dynamic, Log Rocket
  • Real example
  • Reports
Basic Recommendation
  • CDN
  • HTTP2
  • Image optimisation: jpegmini, tinypng
  • Asset minification and concatenation
  • Above the fold prioritization
  • Lazy loading of images
  • Polite / deferred loading
  • Caching
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