
Jellyfish makes its debut at Google Cloud AI Day Live + Labs, Copenhagen



On 23rd May, Jellyfish proudly joined VELUX on stage at the prestigious Google AI Day in Copenhagen, marking our debut participation in this exciting event.

Hosted at the iconic Palads building, the day was filled with insightful presentations focused on AI and Cloud solutions. With our client VELUX, we presented a compelling success story, detailing our implementation strategies and the considerations we navigated throughout the process. Later, we delved deeper into our Cloud for Marketing initiatives, showcasing how we integrate AI and cloud solutions across marketing and organizational teams.

Our participation in Google AI Day Copenhagen has set a new benchmark for our future engagements in the AI and cloud solutions landscape. If you want to learn more these solutions in this region, or our Google Cloud Training, please contact john.neergaard@jellyfish.com.

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