Managing Programmatic Deals in Display & Video 360

Not sure where to start when it comes to learning about Display & Video 360’s marketplace? Learn how to enhance programmatic media investments by managing deals through the platform on this course.

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1 day course
A private training session for your team. Groups can be of any size, at a location of your choice including our training centres.
Supporting material

This one-day course will help you navigate the Private Marketplace buying process and learn about the unique tools that Display & Video 360 provides to power successful marketing campaigns.

The course combines theory with in-platform exercises and discussions to ensure you maximize your understanding of Publisher Relationship Management and programmatic buying capabilities through the private marketplace deal negotiations. We’ll share recommendations on how to select Publishers, Negotiations and Workflow best practice, which will help alleviate many buyer pain-points around inventory quality and scale.

By the end of the course, you’ll be able to leverage DV360’s Marketplace to negotiate deals with publishers at scale, as well as use DV360 to find users based on marketing funnel position instead of media type.

Our Managing Programmatic Deals in Display & Video 360 course is available as a private training session that can be delivered via Virtual Classroom or at a location of your choice in Australia.

Course overview

Who should attend:

If you’re a trader or programmatic media buyer looking to understand the selection of private marketplaces and negotiation, this course is for you.

What you'll learn:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Enhance your Publisher Portfolio Management
  • Run a successful PMP
  • Effectively use the DV360 platform to create efficiencies
  • Negotiate deals with publishers at scale
  • Adopt best practice for troubleshooting

Course agenda

Programmatic Inventory: Overview
  • Publisher relationship management: negotiating a PMP
  • How to successfully run a PMP
Connected TV Inventory
  • What is connected TV inventory?
  • Benefits and how to access
  • Connected TV vs Over The Top Inventory
PMP Transactions
  • Types of programmatic transactions
  • SSP capabilities
  • Pricing and efficiency
PMP Selection Process
  • Publisher targeting capabilities
  • PMPs – quality, transparency, data, cost, efficiency and formats
Workflow Management
  • Top-level working process
  • Recommended approach to PMP deals – step by step
Publisher Relationship Management
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • PMP considerations / limitations
PMP Management & considerations
  • Inventory / deal troubleshooting
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