Amazon DSP Fundamentals

Want to master the basics when it comes to advertising on Amazon’s DSP? Our one-day course will teach you everything you need to know to get started with this game-changing advertising tool.

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1 day course
Supporting material
A private training session for your team. Groups can be of any size, at a location of your choice including our training centres.

Amazon's demand-side platform (DSP) is a powerful advertising tool that allows brands to meet their audiences where they are, make metrics-backed decisions, and reach their goals.

This course covers the basics of operating the Amazon DSP. You’ll view in-platform demonstrations and carry out exercises to put the theory into practice. We’ll also walk you through key platform functionalities, like campaign set-up, creative types and basic reporting. You’ll leave this session with all the skills you need to begin your journey on the Amazon DSP.

Our Amazon DSP Fundamentals course is available as a private training session that can be delivered via Virtual Classroom or at a location of your choice in Australia.

Course overview

Who should attend:

This course is ideal if you’re looking to start working in the programmatic space or expand to a new DSP. It’s also perfect for strategists and planners who want to get a top-level understanding of the Amazon DSP capabilities.

What you'll learn:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to leverage the Amazon DSP for advertisers that sell on Amazon and for those that sell off Amazon
  • Implement a campaign
  • Identify appropriate targeting options per campaign objective
  • Build strategies for different types of campaigns
  • Leverage Amazon reporting to generate richer insights

Course agenda

Introduction to the Platform
  • Overview of the platform and how it fits in with the wider ecosystem, benefits and position outlined
Hierarchy & Namings
  • A comprehensive guide to platform architecture and namings, focused on an operational view
Working In-platform
  • Learn details about the different campaign options and functionalities available in-platform
  • Distinguish approaches between advertisers that sell on and off Amazon
  • Explore inventory access unique to the Amazon ecosystem
  • Outline available targeting solutions
Creative types & Ad Serving
  • Identify creatives unique to Amazon DSP
  • Learn how to set up Amazon-specific creatives and upload third-party tags
  • Explore creative solutions specific to e-commerce
  • Understand Amazon ad serving
Targeting & Audiences Overview
  • Explore Amazon audience types
  • Understand Amazon audience insights
  • Learn about competitor targeting
  • Understand how to build bespoke audiences
Reporting (basic)
  • Introduction to Amazon reporting
  • Learn how to generate the most used reports
  • Learn how to forecast campaign delivery
  • Explore audience reporting
Best Practice
  • A collection of tips to get the most out of working with the Amazon DSP
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